Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility


The Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility (ACIR) was formed to advise the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees on matters relating to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) as expressed by the broader USC community. Topics considered by the ACIR include, but are not limited to, environmental sustainability, corporate governance, and human rights issues that are relevant to investing. The ACIR provides advice about responsible investment practices to the Investment Committee, but it does not manage USC’s Endowment Fund or its investments in any way. The Investment Committee ultimately determines whether to accept or reject the ACIR’s proposed recommendations.

The ACIR was endorsed by the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees on November 22, 2021 and formally established by the Board of Trustees on July 19, 2022.  It operates under the oversight of the Office of the President, the President approves all members and selects the committee chairperson. The ACIR Charter governs the role and responsibilities of the ACIR.


The central mission of the University of Southern California is the development of human beings and society as a whole through the cultivation and enrichment of the human mind and spirit. The principal means by which our mission is accomplished are teaching, research, artistic creation, professional practice and selected forms of public service.

USC’s Endowment Fund provides vital financial support to the University to ensure our academic and research missions may endure in perpetuity for current and future students. The primary investment objective for the Endowment Fund is to maximize long-term returns on investment assets that are compatible with the University’s risk tolerance and time horizon, and consistent with prudent investment practices.

The Board of Trustees recognizes the importance of stewardship criteria in safeguarding and promoting the endowment’s long-term economic interests. ESG factors may impact future economic growth and the underlying fabric of a society. While specific issues will vary by asset class and investment strategy, USC recognizes that ESG factors can meaningfully influence the outcome of the USC’s investment portfolio. In addition to the Investment Policy Statement, the USC Investment Office also operates under the guidance of its Investment Stewardship Policy. The consideration of these factors in the investment process is consistent with USC’s mission and unifying values.

Read our Statement of Investment Responsibility

Members of the ACIR


Stacy Giwa (Chair)

Monica Dean


Marlon Boarnet

Richard Sloan


Undergraduate – Marshall

Graduate – Marshall


Howard Kern

Kathleen Burns Campos

ACIR Advisor (non-voting)

Hannah Findling
